In this growing world of competition, a person cannot be one in a billion if one thinks average and the most effective way to improve yourself is by assessing yourself on a daily basis. Thinking about how you look at things and how they are supposed to be ideally. If you want to be the best, you have to think and behave like the best, it sounds very cliched and heard off, but the most important thing above all before getting started with anything else is, you have to make yourself feel like you are the best. Let those emotions of yours drive you to be the best. Just remember to assess yourself whether things are going smoothly or if you are facing any hardships.
Self-assessment sounds fairly easy, and it actually is once you get the hang off it and get yourself acquainted with the how’s and the when’s. Well as for the when part, you should assess yourself after the night’s sleep in the morning and before going to sleep during the night hours. Most people only know about the latter, but a good health assessment in the morning is as important. For someone who is doing it for the first time, they might not even know how to get things started. You can always start with taking 3 to 5 deep breaths, relax your mind and your body before getting in with the process. The morning assessment is all about your sleep and your health, which fairly speaking most people don’t even bother about and the rest aren’t aware of it. Analyze your sleep, just ask your self “How did you sleep?”, “How do you feel after you wake up?”, “Did you get the amount of sleep you wanted?”, on the basis of your answers try to adjust your sleeping hours and your sleep time. You’ll see remarkable changes in your health. As for the night assessment, it’s focused primarily on mental improvement and development. Start by asking “Did your day go as you’d have hoped it’ll?”, most people would be in a bit of a pickle here because they wouldn’t know how was their day unless it was way too good or extremely awful, they’ll just say it was alright. Well, that isn’t the right answer. Just start by thinking what all did you do during the day and did you learn something new out of it? You’ll shortly know, that you have gained something
and don’t forget to give yourself a pat on the back and tell yourself “You are doing a great job”.
1. It increases your self-esteem.
==>In simple words self-esteem is an individual subjective analysis of their own worth. It is the way of realizing that
“You are worthy”, “You are enough”, “You can achieve what you want to achieve.”
It is one of the most attractive psychological factors.
Of all the great humans this world has witnessed, everyone had one thing in common that set them apart from the rest. All of them knew their worth. If you know your true worth, external factors won’t make any difference to your passion, goals and you yourself. You’ll feel positive vibes upsurging in your head with confidence and your actions will become clear and self-explanatory. You’ll start to try things and when you succeed, you’ll try even more and the more you’ll try the more you’ll succeed. This cycle keeps on going endlessly and you won’t even know how the former you used to be.
One can increase his self-esteem by assessing his day to day routine and molding it into a perfectly balanced lifestyle as in doing his work on time and by fair means.
(I) Having a Balanced Diet: This is a thing which has become very rare these days. People are so busy with their work that they forget that their biggest asset for life is their own body as a wise man once said:
“One cannot think well, love well, sleep well if one has not dined well.”
It’s better to maintain your daily dietary program according to your body type. Eat proper carbs, have a sufficient amount of protein.
(ii) Exercise: As stated before your body is the biggest asset for life. After improving your diet, it is also important that you work out well to increase the mobility of your body and keep your muscles ready for an emergency. Go to the gym/ground burn some calories and it will surely help you to increase your self-esteem and boost your confidence. Working out also helps you to improve your personality also adding more to your psychological Factors. Playing sports is also beneficial for not only your physical strengths but also it increases qualities like team spirit, smart work, efficiency, presence of mind and many more qualities.
(iii) Reading Books: Now moving ahead from your physical well-being and coming down to mental health. Working out, having a balanced diet will keep your physical health intact but in this growing world where there is a ton load of pressure in personal and professional life too, there is a need to keep your mental health at a good state too. Reading books will not only improve your reading habits but also, it will improve your mental health and well-being.
2. It Boosts your confidence:
==> One of the most important factors which exclude a successful person from an ordinary one is their confidence drive and the inside fire to build their perfect lifestyle. In simple words, confidence means having faith in yourself that you can achieve what you have set a goal/aim for in your life. It means you have the power to overcome day to day challenges that life has to offer. As Mr. Bruce Lee said, ” Don’t pray for an easy life, pray that you have the power and confidence to overcome life even when it’s not easy “.
3.Assess yourself:
The greatest gift to mankind is that they can learn from their own mistakes. They have the ability to access and improve what is going wrong in the process. Assessing yourself not only gives you the chance to improve but also boosts your confidence and increases your self-esteem as you will good about yourself and your way of how you look things.
4.Improve your personality:
All the factors stated above contribute to one major factor called “personality”. People often search “How to improve your personality?” but the thing is that you cannot just read about it and it will make you grow. But you have to work hard on many factors like confidence, self-esteem, physical appearance, psychology. It takes a lot of practice to build a perfect personality. But once you get there, it seems that all the effort that was put in was worth it.