Usually, the hosting services offer web hosting based on two types of operating systems. These are the Windows hosting and Linux hosting since these are the two operating systems widely used by computer users in India. Though Android and iOS are also gaining popularity as the mobile operating systems, they still are not so popular for computers including desktops laptops and notebooks. Thus, web hosting in India is either Linux or Windows based.
Choosing the Operating System
There is however some differences between the two operating system based web hosting. The same analogy applies for VPS hosting as the Linux VPS hosting India has some differences from the Windows VPS hosting India. It would be good learning about the differences between the two web hosting systems. It is necessary for the end user to choose the operating system on which the server will run. Since the operating systems works on the backend, they may not make many differences for the users but the user must consider which of the two systems is more suitable for him or her.
Similarities and Differences
There are similarities and differences between the Linux VPS hosting India and their Window counterparts. Both these operating systems provide FTP access for the end users. However, it is only the Linux that offers telnet or the SSH access. This helps the user to open one of the windows directly on concerned web servers and help their editing. When it comes to an interactive and dynamic website, the requirement is that there is a database for the user. Couple of popular databases is the Access and MySQL. Both databases are available in Windows operating system but Linux has only MySQL support. This means the web hosting in India using Linux will only have My SQL database whereas those using Windows will have both Access and MySQL databases.
Security Aspects
Among the operating systems and for web hosting the Linux operating system is more secure according to many. However, both Windows and Linux are secure. Security issues in hosting services are at the administration levels and they do not reside at the operating system levels. Irrespective of the OS used an efficient web host can ensure the security and safety of the client data and information.
Considerations in Web Hosting
Whether the client is opting for dedicated servers in India for web hosting or shared or VPS servers; the choice of operating system will largely depend on the requirements and budget of the client. For the purpose of web designing Linux is the more suitable operating system as it has got more features. But Windows may be better when the website requires specific Windows applications.
A better solution for users of budget dedicated server would be using the Java web hosting that supports both Linux as well as the Windows operating systems. Since the same type of underlying codes work properly for either operating system or servers, the Java based web hosting is most suitable for all including beginners and experts alike.